Tuesday, September 10th • Click here for more information
How It Works
Quick Summary:
We meet four (4) times a year, for one hour, to nominate any 501(c)3 charities that provide services within the Will County community.
Each Member commits to donating $100 per meeting ($400 per year) or commits as a team (2 or 4 women) ($400 per year total).
Any member of the group can nominate a charity.
Three nominations are chosen at random, and after brief presentations by those nominating members, all members vote for one charity to support.
Everyone writes a $100 check, on the spot, directly to the winning charity.
Meeting Arrival
When you arrive, members will check in. Those who have signed a Commitment Form and are current with her donations will receive a voting ballot. Teams of two or four members only receive one ballot.
Commitment Forms are available for any new members joining that night
We also welcome those who want to come and experience a meeting before joining
Events & Workshops
Any current member who has signed a Commitment Form and who is up-to-date with her donations (member in good standing) may nominate an organization for consideration at a meeting.
Members who wish to submit an organization for consideration must complete a Charity Nomination Form and be ready to make a 5 minute or less presentation at the meeting to the members. You may only nominate one organization per meeting.
Charities must serve and be located in Will County and be a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization.
Three organization names will be randomly drawn at the meeting.
After the 3 presentations are made, we vote. Each member will vote by ballot for one of the three organizations. Teams of two or four members have only one vote.
For more questions, check out the FAQ.