Tuesday, February 11th • Click here for more information
Our Donations
The powerful work being done every day by Will County non-profits is what inspires the women of 100+ Women Who Care to come together. Listed below are the charities that have been supported by 100+ Women Who Care of Will County. To date, we have donated over $206,300 to local Will County charities.

To learn more about what non-profits can be nominated, how to nominate and tips on how to “pitch” an organization check out Nominating and Presenting right here on the website. Please know that only members can nominate, present and vote at our meetings.
November 2024
100+ Women Who Care of Will County donated $15,800 to Shady Oaks Camp. Shady Oaks Camp provides outdoor fun and recreation for children and adults with disabilities. The camp, located in Homer Glen, was built specifically around the special needs of these campers. Shady Oaks provides 8 weeks of 1:1 camping for male and female campers. Programs at the camp include planned recreation, games, arts & crafts and swimming. All are adapted to fit the needs of each individual camper.
September 2024
100+ Women Who Care of Will County donated $7,650 to My Joyful Heart. My Joyful Heart is a unique children’s charity that provides both life’s essentials and letters of encouragement to kids in need. It’s not a “one-size-fits-all” organization – the gifts and notes given to children enrolled in our program are personalized. Children receive necessities like clothing, hygiene products, and even food five times throughout the year, not just at Christmas. Providing for them consistently helps them feel special and cared for so they can thrive.
April 2024
100+ Women Who Care of Will County donated $7,650 to Guardian Angel Community Services. Guardian Angel is the oldest non-profit social service agency in Will County, helping at risk children, adults, and families for 126 years. In 1983 the organization established the Groundwork domestic violence program, recognizing the crime of domestic violence as a community problem. Last year Groundwork provided 11,971 nights of emergency shelter and 35,193 meals to adults and children fleeing the horrors of domestic violence, while fielding 5,000 calls on their emergency hotline.
February 2024
100+ Women Who Care of Will County donated $7,200 to Taft Foundation. Taft Foundation is a non-profit organization that raises funds to support educational programs, activities, technology and programming for the students at Taft Grade School District 90 in Lockport, IL. The geographic boundary limits of the school are roughly 1-1.25 square miles, which limit the funds and financial support coming into the school from local businesses and corporations. These monies will be used to expand our in-school art program for primary grades next school year.
November 2023
100+ Women Who Care of Will County donated $4,500 to Big Run Wolf Ranch. Big Run Wolf Ranch is a federally licensed non-profit educational facility specializing in North American wildlife. We have been licensed for approximately 35 years and doing educational lectures for approximately 30 years. Many of the animals here at Big Run have been rescued wherein the only other alternative was euthanasia. Although we have rescued many animals, Big Run's primary objective is conservation through education.
September 2023
100+ Women Who Care of Will County donated $6,900 to Bags of Hope. Bags of Hope is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring students do not go hungry outside of school. Each week a backpack filled with food is sent home with students from area schools in Lockport, Joliet, and Plainfield. “We are extremely humbled by the support we have received in the last few years! With generous donations such as the one received from 100 + Women Who Care of Will County, we are able to provide a Thanksgiving Dinner and a Christmas breakfast box to participating families“said Bags of Hope Secretary, Ms. Jerabek.
April 2023
100+ Women Who Care of Will County donated $7,100 to DuPage County ACT-SO. Founded in 1978, ACT-SO (Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics), is a year-long program that was created to encourage high academic and cultural achievement among high school students of African descent. The primary focus of the program is the development of projects for competition in categories in the areas of STEM, Business, Humanities, Performing Arts and Visual Arts.
“It takes a community to help students achieve their potential. This donation from 100+ Women Who Care of Will County provides that community support and goes a long way in helping our students strive for their goals” said Thomas Reed, Chairperson ACT-SO.
February 2023
100+ Women Who Care of Will County donated $7,500 to Will County Habitat for Humanity. Nicole Murray, Executive Director and Jean Tibbott, Corporate Relations Manager from Will County Habitat for Humanity were presented the checks by members of 100+ WWC of Will County. Founded in 1988, Will County Habitat for Humanity serves the residents of Will County, IL and has placed 90+ families in homes. Proceeds support the Habitat mission to provide affordable housing to low-income individuals and families. Everyone deserves to have a decent place to live. Through shelter, Habitat for Humanity empowers.
“There is something pretty powerful about a group of women that get together for the sake of the betterment of their community." said Nicole Murray.
November 2022
100+ Women Who Care of Will County donated $6,750 to NAMI Will-Grundy this quarter. Vice President, Cheryl Habeeb, Family Support Group Facilitator, Char Spreitzer, and other NAMI volunteers were presented the checks on January 11, 2023. Our donation will help provide education, support, advocacy, and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives. Specifically, it will help fund the socialization activities and drop in services that are offered. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
September 2022
100+ Women Who Care of Will County donated $6,450 to Meals on Wheels this quarter. Samantha Wallace, Development Manager and Gabrielle Haywood, the Will County nutrition director were presented the checks on October 27, 2022. The donation will help fund the Community Cafes and home delivery of meals to eligible older adults for Will County. The Meals on Wheels Foundation of Northern Illinois is a not-for-profit organization created to increase public awareness and generate contributions to support the services provided by Community Nutrition Network and Senior Services Association.
April 2022
100+ Women Who Care of Will County donated $6,150 to Angels for Hospice. Angels for Hospice brings comfort, dignity and peace to help people with a life-limiting illness live every moment of life to the fullest while providing support for loved ones. Our donation will help with arrangements, payments, and reimbursements to hospice families and patients in crisis. They believe that exceptional end-of-life care can only happen when highly trained, experienced professionals are dedicated to listening to patients and their families, focused on respecting their ideas, and committed to making a difference.
February 2022
100+ Women Who Care of Will County donated $6,300 to Reclaim3d Inc. Founded in 2016, Reclaimed is a non-profit that helps people in need and provides hope in a world that’s sometimes hard to handle. The donation will specifically go towards the event Dance The Night Away, a free special-needs prom celebration. Over 125 guests and their designated volunteer buddies will enjoy a red-carpet walk, limo rides, DJ music/ karaoke and lots of dancing During the evening, all of the special guests are crowned kings and queens.
November 2021
100+ Women Who Care of Will County donated $8,550 to Angelic Kindness. Angelic Kindness is a nonprofit with a mission to spread kindness. The sole purpose of Angelic Kindness is to impact lives through simple acts of kindness, asking nothing in return. Their organization provides the momentum that helps affect positive change. 100+ Women Who Care of Will County is overjoyed to be donating to Angelic Kindness and helping them sprinkle kindness throughout our community.
September 2021
Navarro Farm
The Navarro family 5-acre farm has the purpose to create a place for individuals with special needs to participate in an agricultural experience – with the hopes of increasing their social skills and independence. Navarro Farm provides transformative agriculture and animal adventures for children and young adults impacted with special needs, and their families. Through six key values we educate, inspire, and strive to create real life experiences that ultimately bring happiness to their lives.
April 2021
Lockport Township H.S. Best Buddies is part of an international organization that fosters one on one friendships between students attending regular education classes and those students who have special needs. In an effort to create lifelong friendships Best Buddies pairs students without a disability, with a student with a disability. Students are encouraged to get together outside school, call each other on the phone and email. Best Buddies provides many opportunities for one to one friendship and promotes inclusive living of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Best Buddies hosts at least two activities each month. Best Buddies is the largest after school club at Lockport Township H.S. Through Best Buddies students are able to see that we are all more alike than not.
February 2021
4 K.I.D.S. Sake
4 K.I.D.S. Sake believes that children are entirely unique and to fulfill such a wide range of these unmet needs we provide services for four key areas: Health & Wellness, Educational Richness, Financial Resource-fulness, and Happiness. 4 K.I.D.S. Sake most recent service addition was their Food Pantry and Enrichment Center in October of 2019. During the pandemic, they completely revamped their operations and began serving an average of 1,200 families weekly. From the end of March through the end of 2020 they served over 100,000 families and over 1.2 million pounds of food with over 48% of their clients being children.
November 2020
The Exchange Club of North Will County is a not-for-profit with a mission to make our communities better places to live. Our values are family, community, and country. Through the Programs of Service - Americanism, Community Service, and Youth Programs - members support activities that benefit youth, promote pride in our country, and honor military and public service providers, to name a few. This donation is going to go far in bringing cheer to seniors in nursing homes and assisted living this holiday season and throughout the year, supporting our hard-working teachers so they can better help their VVSD students, and helping our community in need with a food drive.
September 2020
Since being chartered in 1920, American Legion Post 18 has been welcoming veterans from all branches of the Armed Forces. Today, the Legion continues to welcome all current military personnel serving our country. Its mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace and blessings for our country, friends and families embodied in our preamble. Through the initiative of its posts, The American Legion consistently contributes to the nation’s quality of life through a variety of programs and endeavors to make American communities better places in which to live.
April 2020
Northern Illinois Food Bank, a member of Feeding America, is a non-profit organization that engages the community to solve hunger. Due to COVID-19, Northern Illinois Food Bank is utilizing mobile pantries as a strategic and effective way to distribute food to neighbors safely. The Food Bank has doubled the quantity of mobile pantry distributions to 18, six days per week, and has doubled the capacity of each mobile, to serve up to 200 families per distribution. A Mobile Pantry is a “traveling food pantry” stocked with thousands of pounds of nutritious food including meat, milk, eggs, produce and shelf-stable items.
February 2020
Cornerstone Services provides progressive, comprehensive services to people with disabilities promoting choice, dignity, and the opportunity to live and work in the community. Since 1969, Cornerstone has been a leader in meeting the unique needs of individuals with developmental disabilities, mental illnesses, physical disabilities and sensory impairments. Cornerstone is guided by the belief that people with disabilities are entitled to live in their own communities and make choices for themselves, like everybody else. To this end, Cornerstone employees provide specialized services that empower individuals with as much independence as possible. Some individuals may need a lot of help, while others may need just a little.
November 2019
Community Baby Showe is a program offered by Women United, a division of United Way of Will County. Community Baby Shower works to fulfill baby wellness item gap between SNAP and WIC. Baby wellness items such as diapers, wipes, baby wash, diaper cream, and bottles are NOT covered by Women Infant Children (WIC). WIC is a subsidized food assistance program that helps at-risk and poverty-stricken families eat and stay healthy. Choosing between diapering your baby and putting food on the table is a choice no parent wants to make, but one-in-three do. The Community Baby Shower works to provide babies the products needed for a healthy start in life.
September 2019
Established in 1994, CASA of Will County helps children navigating the court system recover from the traumas of abuse and neglect and find safe, permanent, loving homes where they can prosper. CASA serves as the only organization in the community that uses volunteers as Guardians ad Litem – the court appoints these volunteers to advocate for the best interests of the children removed from unsafe home environments. Our Court Appointed Special Advocates become the voices of their children and follow the motto “I am for the Child.”
April 2019
Trinity Services, Inc., founded in 1950, is a nonprofit, nonsectarian organization that provides the highest quality person-directed services and supports to people with developmental disabilities and mental illness so that they may flourish and live full and abundant lives.
Trinity serves more than 3,500 adults and children who have intellectual/developmental disabilities or mental health needs. Trinity’s mission to help people flourish is at the heart of all it offers.
February 2019
Big Brothers Big Sisters operates under the belief that inherent in every child is incredible potential. As the nation’s largest donor- and volunteer-supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”), ages 5 through young adulthood in communities across the country. We develop positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people.
November 2018
Miracle League of Joliet provides opportunities for children and young adults with disabilities to play Miracle League baseball, regardless of their abilities. The league promotes community support and sponsorship and the construction of special facilities which meet the unique needs of Miracle League players and their families. The League cannot change or cure the medical issues life has dealt our children with disabilities, what they can do is provide them with an opportunity to experience the joy and benefits which come from playing our national pastime-BASEBALL!
September 2018
Operation Care Package is dedicated to the mission that no Hero serving our Nation should be forgotten. Their goal is to support our Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen through care packages and letters of encouragement. The charity mails care packages to deployed members of the U.S. armed forces who would normally not receive mail. Volunteers pack the supplies into flat-rate boxes each week and ship them all over the world. Many go to places such as Afghanistan, Kosovo, Guam and even ships at sea.
April 2018
Love Moves Us vision is to see foster and adoptive families flourish by breathing life and love into them through service and support. Love Moves Us equips communities, churches, agencies and individuals to respond to the needs of foster & adoptive children & families by forging church partnerships, creating service opportunities, and providing monthly “Family Gatherings” where families receive free childcare & dinner and are able to come into community with others for encouragement and support.
February 2018
My Joyful Heart is a unique children’s charity that provides both life’s basic essentials and letters of encouragement to kids in need. It’s not a “one-size-fits-all” organization – the gifts and notes given to children enrolled in our program are personalized. Children receive necessities like clothing, hygiene products, and even food five times throughout the year, not just at Christmas. Providing for them consistently helps them feel special and cared for so they can thrive...we bring hope!
November 2017
The Center for Disability Services aims to improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities. CDS’ programs and services serve individuals with severe, multiple disabilities including intellectual disability, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, autism and other developmental disabilities. CDS provides support and direct services to individuals and families impacted by the challenges of developmental disabilities.
September 2017
Bags of Hope is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to ensuring students do not go hungry outside of school. Each week a backpack filled with food is sent home with students from area schools in Lockport, Joliet and Plainfield. Our goal is to partner with these communities to sustain and expand our efforts to provide food for students who need it the most. Together we can help our community feed tomorrow’s minds today.
April 2017
Shady Oaks Camp provides outdoor fun and recreation for children and adults with cerebral palsy and various other disabilities. The camp, located in Homer Glen, was built specifically around the special needs of these campers. Shady Oaks provides 8 weeks of 1:1 camping for male and female campers. Programs at the camp include planned recreation, games, arts & crafts and swimming. All are adapted to fit the needs of each individual camper.
April 2017
Mutual Ground is the safe place where people come together to break the cycle of domestic violence and sexual abuse. We are not just a shelter, we are a solution. As one of the oldest and largest domestic violence and sexual assault service agencies in the state of Illinois, Mutual Ground is the place where the healing begins. We provide comprehensive victim services free of charge with support from grants, churches, civic groups, corporate and individual donors.
February 2017
GymTyme HEARTS is a special needs cheerleading squad. Participation on a Special Abilities team provides the opportunity for challenged individuals to be physically active, set goals and make friends. Special Abilities teams are co-ed and are comprised of athletes ages 5 and above with any type of disability. Special needs are defined as a disability characterized by impairment of skills and overall intelligence in areas such as cognition, language, motor and social abilities. We welcome athletes on the entire spectrum of their disability. Athletes in wheelchairs/walkers are also welcome.
November 2016
MorningStar Mission relieves the spiritual and physical hunger of the poor by providing food for the hungry, clothing for the needy, shelter for the homeless. Since 1909, MorningStar Mission has served men, women, children and entire families in Joliet and Will County, offering hope for the hurting through one-time meals and long-term recovery programs.
November 2016
PADS is a place where homeless people are served as overnight guests and provided with warm, safe shelter and hot meals. Each PADS site is hosted by team of caring volunteers. Each guest will be greeted by a team of volunteers, who will register each guest on their first night and explain how the program operates. Guests will eat a hot, home-cooked meal and have opportunities to visit with the volunteers.
September 2016
Northern Will County SRA provides year round fun and recreational opportunities for individuals with special needs and abilities. Preschoolers to seniors can enjoy an array of programs from Special Olympics, camps, dance, aquatics, leisure education, adaptive sports, social clubs, and special events to trips. Programs are designed to appeal to a variety of interests.
August 2016
The Will-Grundy Medical Clinic is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization that provides free medical and dental care to adults who have no health insurance or medical care entitlements and meet prescribed income guidelines. Care is provided by physicians, dentists and other professionals who volunteer their time and expertise to the Clinic.
May 2016
Teen-Nite is a citywide outreach youth program. We serve young adults in the city of Aurora and surrounding cities of the Fox Valley area. Our goal is to engage and challenge these young adults off the streets of the cities with the Word of God and provide an alternative to a negative lifestyle.
April 2016
Kidz Play is a non-profit corporation recognized by the Internal Revenue Service effective December 2, 2014. The Foundation is designated as a public charity, supporting Kyra’s efforts to raise awareness on the benefits of extra-curricular activities for children and to raise funds to assist children in participating in recreational opportunities that they would be unable to participate in without financial assistance
February 2016
CASA acts as the child’s voice in court, helping to navigate the confusing maze of the juvenile court system and making sure that the child’s needs are being met. Their mission is to draw from community resources to provide well-trained volunteers who will advocate for abused and neglected children, provide needed information to the court, help develop a more effective juvenile court process, and increase community awareness and reporting of child abuse and neglect.

February 2016
The Agape Principle Community
The Agape Principle Community is a group of families and individuals who are committed Christ followers seeking to live out their faith through a variety of service projects in the Fox Valley. We believe that serving together as a family not only encourages the underprivileged, but are powerful teachable moments that model Christ's agape love for everyone.
November 2015
AHBDR is a strong advocate against animal suffering, abuse and neglect. Their mission is to rescue dogs from high kill shelters that euthanize. They bring the dogs into safety, have them vetted, feed them a proper diet, train and exercise them until they reach their goal of finding them new homes and matching them up with forever families.
November 2015
At Green Harvest, we feel that these uncertain times have led us toward aiding low-income families, retirees, and the workers of our community who have recently lost their jobs. We believe that there is a serious problem today when parents must decide between feeding, providing shelter, or buying medicine for their children.
September 2015
Lincolnway Special Recreation Association (LWSRA) provides adaptive and special recreation services for individuals with disabilities through a cooperative agreement with Frankfort, Manhattan, Mokena, New Lenox, Peotone and Wilmington Island Park Districts. LWSRA programs are for individuals from preschool through adult who have recreation needs that are not met by regular park district programs.
May 2015
Shady Oaks Camp creates outstanding camp experiences that enrich the lives of our campers. Shady Oaks Camp accomplishes this by providing outdoor fun and recreational opportunities for children and adults with disabilities. Shady Oaks mission is to provide people of all ages and backgrounds, with a disability, the same recreational opportunities that their peers without disabilities enjoy in a summer camp setting.